Saturday 16 September 2017

Lets check out a Museum in Amsterdam

Sandy what a nice day out at the Museum  !!!!!!!!!!
Beware read on only if you are over 18.
Well this is Amsterdam after all ... the city of no judgment.
 Of course it is a museum of "The Erotic" ... so lets check it out !!!
We know you want us too.

Madonna would just have to star.
Some beauty's from the 1930's

 Art from the 21st century
Snow White and her 7 little friends ! (well some not so little)
seem to all into it as well !!!

 Some Cartoons to watch
Walt, what were you thinking !!!

 Star Ship Enterprise ... as we have never seen before.

Condoms for all occasions,.so many options!
 Opp's sorry too naughty but the 1970's had to get a mention.

 Tools of the trade
Let's swing from the rafters
Some great pottery, the detail so fine ...
How handy ... somewhere for a main dish and a Greek side salad.
Perfect ... a little place for the olive pips !!!!

The cheesy tourist photo option ...
But Sandy have you shrunk a bust size or too !!!

 What a long day at the Museum  ... a great place to sit for a bit. While being tied up! and .... well dream.
Looks like we'll need an early night !!!



  1. Never expected that on an Italian food trip! Not only have you kept your tastebuds guessing but us also. Well done!!

  2. Gosh Lindsay "speechless" that's a first !!!
