Wednesday 13 September 2017

Vanished Beauty ! Noooooh

Like many women of a certain age, the city needs the help of deceptive lighting to recapture her vanished beauty! 
That's so deep Pete ... not my words, cant take credit ... but some great words that describe Venice by night in a murder mystery novel by Donna Leon that I'm reading while I'm here in Venice. What a great place to read, the scene of the crime is only several minutes walk from our apartment, spooky!!!

This way to the scene of the crime
Death at La Fenice.
 I still don't know who done it ... so I'll head back to the apartment, grab a coffee, find a comfy lounge on this rainy day and while away the hours listening to the sounds of rain and the lapping of the water up against our front door on the 
Grand Cannel.

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