Sunday 17 September 2017

Hit the Seas

Today we hit the high seas, well hoping not to high!
Have packed my sea sick wrist bands and got my stemital.
We leave Amsterdam 4pm this afternoon following the West coast of Spain and Portugal around the bottom and back up to France and into Rome early October.
Not sure if we will have internet where we are going so if not blog you in a couple of weeks.
Sandy has planed several cooking classes through Spain and Portugal so looking forward to the different foods we may encounter.
Chat sooner or  later.

The foyer at the Doubletree by Hilton, loving the fabrics.
View from our room looking over the shipping container vego restaurant
So Sandy just a quick stop off to that little "coffee shop" the one with the relaxing vibe! before the cruise ahead?


  1. Sounds like a good time being had by all??? Have a great cruise.xxxxx

  2. Have a great cruise Peter and Sandy. Really looking forward to hearing all about it.
