Sunday 10 September 2017

Italian Card Game Briscola

After having pizza the family wanted us to stay on so they could teach us an Italian card game.
Now Lindsay I do have the rules in Italian but I won't tease you again by blogging them, so once we have them in English we will just have to show you.
The card game is medieval and fast with some similarities to some western games.

 But it is like learning another language!! slightly did my head in!! So now we are armed with our own pack of cards we will just have to find some locals and practise.
Have seen many of the older men siting at bars playing so shouldn't be a problem to learn some more.
There is 40 cards to a pack,
 with 4 suits
The Sword, The Goblet
The Sun and The Tree.
So over the next few months you may find Sandy and I in back street bars playing cards and drinking with some local ... now how much trouble could that get us into!!!