Tuesday 19 September 2017

Culinary Arts Center On Board

We have a sea day on the first day which gave us a chance to checkout our new surroundings then our first on board cooking class.

There are loads of Asian staff on board so today’s class is a Penang Red Curry Coconut Chicken. Spice again … we have missed our spice hits being in Italy, so bring it on. It is cold here and only 12 deg on the English channel a spicy dish will be great change.
1 Can unsweetened coconut milk
8 oz heavy cream

2 Tbsp Thai Penang red curry paste … so Sandy the same paste you have in your suitcase!

3 chicken breasts, sliced
The 4 essentials “SSSS” for any Thai dishes … sweet, sour, spicy and the salty
Brown or palm sugar to taste “Sweet”
2 limes, juiced “Sour”
1 Tbsp fish sauce “Salty” also in the suitcase not easy to get in Italy
And curry paste for spice
4 oz chicken stock
2 oz each of green & yellow zucchini and baby eggplant, diced
2 oz each of green & yellow bell peppers, diced
2 oz snow peas and asparagus tips
½ red onion, finely sliced
Thai basil

and (galangal), Hmmmm This I have not had in a Penang before but it added a complexity that will be included back at The Retreat in the future. Chef Dangi said that the flavour balance and differences are all so regional, Thai people have many various family recipes so embrace the subtly changes.

Heat a wok with a little oil and the onion, cook for 2 min’s then add the coconut milk, galangal + the red curry paste cook a further 2 to 3 min’s.

Add cream, sugar, chicken, eggplant and chicken stock, bringing to a rapid boil.
Simmer for 3 min’s until sauce begins to thicken.
Add lime juice and then fish sauce tasting for the 4 essentials “SSSS”

Add remanding veges and Thai basil cook until tender (don’t overcook) 
Spoon into serving bowls and garnish the top with peanuts, scallions, coriander, Thai basil and finely sliced red chilies for extra heat + a squeeze of fresh lime.


Enjoy we did.