Monday 11 September 2017

Real Estate in Venice 800 E or 1.2 Mil

Its amazing what is in behind some of the dirty old doors of Venice, over the bridge and to the right,

 than up 84 marble stairs inside this15th Century building to the 4th floor for our private cooking class today. The 6 arched windows closest to the top is where we spent our day and what a fabulous day it was.
Some original columns in the courtyard
 The left view from the balcony.
The right view from the balcony
 Its all just too cute 
6m ceiling facing the winter sun
The original polished floors
130 m/2 of newly renovated apartment
Looking like an add for home beautiful!!
These guys have done an amazing job of the renovations, its just simply stunning.
Of course I needed to get all the guff ... but I was polite enough to wait until after the cooking class to ask all the finer details.
Bought for 470 E in 2014
10 month renovation at a cost of 120 E
Todays value 800 E or $1.2m
So on par with major city prices from around the world for something as unique.
So let the cooking class begin.


  1. Hi Beth hope you are having a great time in Vietnam
    Love to you both your pic's look amazing
