Sunday 10 September 2017

Opps didn't we see this sign 2 hours ago!

Well what a great couple of days cooking again with the family from Prato delgi Angeli, some great new tricks gained on the way.
Its time to hit the road again as we head north east to the Ocean, The Adriatic Ocean for a couple of days off from cooking classes and to give our white bodies some much needed vitamin D.
I love the beaches over here as the locals just think we are some freakish white Eskimo people ( but unusually tall  ) as we are not what they think a bronzed Aussie should look like!!!
The drive is about 120km so we are leaving early so we get there before midnight! to date we are averaging about 40 km per hour as we are always taking the scenic route.

Hmmm a bit "too" off the beaten track, as "I" decided that wouldn't it be nice to give Gloria the day off ... how hard can it be to go 120 km!! we know that we are heading north east, and the ocean is just over this "little" mountain range.
Famous last words, so out the driveway from Prato and I say to Sandy that if we turn right just before the 1st town that we normally go through that we could bypass it and check out some different roads and small villages!!
Well it appears that I should have taken the 2nd right, which to plead my case was NOT on the map that we had.
So 2 hours later and only traveling 30 km we have just dropped the average KM per hour down to 15.
Sandy has a great sense of direction ( but a greater sense of humour ) and knew that we were not going in the right direct after only a couple of km's up that 1st right hand turn that I decided to take!  
Opps didn't we see that sign 2 hours ago!
So after some fantastic scenery courteously of "Pete's Italian Joy Tours" going around in a big circle Sandy and Gloria decide that its time for them take back the navigating.


  1. It's not like you were lost Pete. It's just that you didn't quite know were the right road was.
