Friday 22 September 2017

Take Two re 2nd Cooking Class on Board

Opps ... Sorry technical issues last post or to much vino!!
so lets try this one again.
2nd Cooking Class on Board
Its day 3, a sea day, we are heading south in the oceans between England to our right and France to our left sailing to our next stop A Coruna on the top of Spain. So, what better to do than cook as it 19 deg. outside and a rainy Autumn day. The weather ahead is looking fantastic as we sail further south again it is heating up and predicted to be in the mid to high 20’s by the time we get to Spain and Portugal.  😊 😊

Today we get down and dirty and get to play with sharp knives and
gadgets, living on the edge!
There are only 12 people in today’s class which is again held in the
ships Culinary Arts Center.

The class is featuring entrees or little plates and we are going to do

3 dishes.


“Scallops with Cava and Saffron Sauce”.
(still need to find out what Cava is? it was a darkish, dry white
wine perhaps sherry) but somehow my fantastic friend has
manage to see/read my last blog and has answered my question
Thanks Marilyn
Serves 4
20 sea scallops
Oil to fry
1 ½ cups dry cava or other sparkling wine
Pinch of saffron threads
1 cup cream
 hole vanilla bean
on juice to taste
A little oil in a heavy large skillet over medium – high heat, add scallops and sauté either side for colour, set aside.


In the same skillet over medium,high heat, add Cava and saffron
 and boil to reduce by ½ approx. 7 mins.
Add cream, vanilla pod cut lengthways and scrape the seeds into
 the cream.
Boil until reduced to a sauce consistency, about 10 mins.
Season to taste with lemon juice, salt and pepper.
Return scallops to sauce just to heat through.
Plate scallops drizzle with sauce then sprinkle with parsley and
some lemon for freshness.

Scrum … sure am having my fair share of scallops so far this trip “in
scallop heaven”


  1. And the other two dishes??? I'm guessing they were delicious also.

  2. Beth ... I'm a boy and I can't do 2 things at once

  3. Sorry Pete, didn't mean to be demanding.😎

  4. Three or four things at once but never (TWO)
