Saturday 2 September 2017


The cooking class is not due to start till tomorrow so a bit of time to duck back into the little town of Piobbico to drop in on my truffling mate Doriano.

For those of you who are new to reading my blog ... "and clearly have no lives" !!! go back to June 2103 ( a man and his cantina + Doriano my new bestie ) than onto October 2014 when we meet up again and he took me truffling ).

I have just reread some of my old blogs (sooooo sorry to my earlier readers) and yep my spelling was appalling and no pictures to ease your pain ohhhh and the waffle, anyway you should still get the drift.

Double kisses and hugs all round it was great to see Doriano and his family again.
Only a short visit as we have to get back to La Tavola Marche for the welcome dinner, but in true Italian style we were not going to get out of there without some of his vino and his own cured meats.

So a plan is made for family dinner at the end of our cooking school.

1 comment:

  1. The cured meats look wonderful. A nice reminder of their flavoursome food and generous spirit.
