Saturday 16 September 2017

Leaving Venice like James Bond !

There are several ways to get to the airport by boat, well after all it is Venice!.
But the magical Venetian way is in a style which could be straight from a James Bond movie.
Lets call it " Till next we meet in Venice" 

Picked up just out side our apartment on a little side cannel
in one gleaming white and wood grained stretch boat
Ducking as we go under a series of little bridges heading to the Grand Cannel
A movie has to have a beautiful leading lady.
Of course the location needs some amazing buildings
with stunning architectural snippets.
Up the grand Cannel via Rialta Markets

Turning left we follow another little side cannel.

Seeing the open waters ahead that divide Venice from the mainland

Now lets floor it on the open water highway in our speed boat for the 20 mins dash to the airport.