Thursday 7 September 2017

I wonder what colour the Italian flag was in the old days

So in the old days was it just white and green ...because without the tomatoes was there any red???
History buffs me included ...Tomatoes has origins traced back to the early Aztecs around 700 A.D; therefore it is believed that the tomato is native to the Americas. It was not until around the 16th century that Europeans were introduced to this fruit when the early explorers set sail to discover new lands. Throughout Southern Europe, the tomato was quickly accepted into the kitchen "...most Europeans thought that the tomato was poisonous because of the way plates and flatware were made in the 1500's.          
Rich people in that time used flatware made of pewter, which has a high-lead content. Foods high in acid, like tomatoes, would cause the lead to leech out into the food, resulting in lead poisoning and death. Poor people, who ate off of plates made of wood, did not have that problem, and hence did not have an aversion to tomatoes. This is essentially the reason why tomatoes were only eaten by poor people until the 1800's, especially Italians.

This still doesn't answer my question re the flag colour!!
So maybe some of my blog followers may have more time up there sleaves while I soak up some last minute sun by the pool after our cooking class.



  1. Wait for it while we do some research 🤔

  2. can always rely on you Lindsay :)

  3. Haven't dine the research, will see what I can find out.
