Sunday 24 September 2017

Huelva in Spain

Today we have done a sherry tasting day in Spain.
The town of Huelva pronanced with a "W" ....the names here in Spain are doing my head in, just a little bit!!
So thats why the taxi man could takes us back to the ship proncnation and appraenty I sound too Australian!! anyway safe on board again...

The building here are very ornate and the tile farsard are matalic so they sparkle and shine in the sun


We started with a super dry sherry that went so well with the olives.

the 2nd was still dry and was darher in colour and was pared with a egg dish with the sweetest leeks and smoked ram

For our mains we had the pigs head it was so tender with a paprica gravy with a slightly sweeter sherry and was a great combination.

To finish we had a chocklet overdose and that was with a pedro Ximenez
So that will cost us several wobbly laps of the ships deck this afternoon.

and to top it off we were serenaded as we ate


  1. To answer your two questions from a couple of days ago ..........
    Probably not and no. Also, you're welcome as it didn't take long to look up Wikipedia.
    Actually, cava is also the national alcoholic drink in Fiji. Exceedingly potent (and tastes like dirty dishwater)!!

  2. we were wondering if it was from Fiji so thanks for that info also XX

  3. Talking about sherry we found a fabulous tapas place in Bulletin Place yesterday called Tapas Vino (a great place for a Froogies night) and they very kindly gave us a Pedro Ximenez at the end of our meal - what a sensational drink!

    Another bit of triviata - kava, the Fijian drink, comes from the roots of a plant something like a yam.
