Sunday 22 October 2017

4th Squid with Black Bread soup and Red and Green Pesto

So on to our 4th dish of the day 
Trim squid and marinate in Evo and white wine for 1 hr.Great, I think it is about time we changed from the local beer, as you know what they call me, 2 beer's Pete and well after 3 its a
wonder I can hold the camera, thank goodness I'm the paparazzi

at these cooking classes and not holding sharp knives or operating
any machinery!!!

Yes it may be the wine for the marinate ... but one should always taste to make sure its worth cooking with! yep the things I have to do to be helpful!
Blanch spinach or "frizzie" one of their bitter greens for 1 min and plunge into iced water drain and set side.
Wash and cut red pepper and micro for 5 mins. Blitz with salt and a pinch of chilli powder to make a cream.

In a pan fry 2 garlic cloves and a simgy little bit of chilli powder "again remember those hens teeth"! with EVO till just coloured. Add baked dried black bread and cover with water cook for a few mins and blitz to make a soup. Salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
Blitz the greens with EVO and salt pepper taste.
Fry squid quickly and to plate with the combined 3 sauces and serve.
First it the bread soup

then the capsicums

Then add my favourite colour

Of course some more olive oil, we are in Sicily!

AND then eat, just loving the Sicilian seafood

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