Friday 13 October 2017

Pork and Tomato Sagu

Pork  and Tomato Sagu
So the difference between a sagu and a ragu is, a ragu is from minced meats and sagu if from larger cuts and on the bone.
this was a tasty dish and defiantly a comfort food dish.
So a pictorial recipe, as its pretty simple but tastes great.

Sweat the onion don't want any colour

 Brown the meat than add that fantastic home dried tomato paste
from the ravioli class

With a splash of red, of course!

 Add some potatoes, this is the first time I've seen potato used other then a Gnocchi

They love cloves down here, and apparently they are good for heart health, so win win. 

 Bay leaves

 Cook for about 1.5 hours "QB" for my new blog readers QB in Italian is Quanta Busta (till its just enough) or in till cooked
So enough time to chat to some new friends from Germany
Bridget and Wilfred

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