Saturday 28 October 2017

Recovering from Marsala Tasting!!

The best way to recover from a Marsala wine and food paring morning is to head to the beach, well I didn't think I should drive too far till ...well lets say, later in the day. So I think a Prosecco should help!!!, well it may just keep me here longer but what a great spot looking out over the Mediterranean Ocean.

Or maybe be 2

Something sweet (Dolce, so another Italian word for you)
Now this is an original cheese cake, beautiful crunchy biscuit base made with Italian Amaronie biscuits and melted butter,
Cook the tart base 15 mins then cool.
 Mascarpone and cream cheese blitzed together till smooth, fill the base top with hot compote of berry's and chill and serve.
Recipe from of the beach chef, thanks Andréa. 

 So that's how you take a selfie with the I Pad !! that could come in handy.

The rocky beach looking back at the Beach Bar

Now to help suck up some of the Prosecco we had a Bresaola (air dried unsmoked meat) with Beetroot puree and a typical Sicilian cheese Salata which is from the whey of sheep's milk, the same as ricotta then is pressed and salted and aged for at least 90 days.

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