Tuesday 24 October 2017

Hotel Cavallino Bianco

Renovators delight, my eyes lit up! a little project to keep me busy.
May need the help of several friends, wouldn't it make a great retirement village on The Mediterranean Ocean !

We stumbled across her as we were walking along the beach front in a forgotten part of town and their she was the remains of Hotel Cavallino Bianco. Its just amazing to see such big infrastructure just sitting and wasting away as the elements take their tole.
She must have been very glamorous in her youth, the height of luxury. 
I just had to wipe a hanky over her name to let her know someone was thinking of her and I could imagine how that glass panelled entrance door would have been cleaned daily.

 Her corner signage would have been illuminated and could have been seen for miles and those 3 stars that she and her staff would have been oh so proud of.

 To this end of the building on the 1st floor terrace and looking over the beach one could only imagine the meals served under the black and white striped umbrellas.
The smell of coffee and Sicilian cigarettes wafting over you as you enjoyed your breakfast!
The beautiful people taking in the sun on their row upon row of beach chairs basking on the white sands.

The 180deg view from the front suites.

Looking over to the Greek ancient ruins

Her walls are crumbling now and no one loves her any more
 insert sad face

The new age art in the old car park is her only connection with living people now.

Maybe I could go into real-estate marketing after that soap opera description ... OK Pete you've sold me!,
where do I sign the contract!!!.
We could all love her and retire on The Mediterranean Ocean.
So who's up for it? 


  1. Now Marilyn, carful what you wish for!!!

  2. Sad to think of all the history the building holds disappearing forever.

  3. Yeah, but it's right on the beach (literally by the look of it). Although ...... it appears my boogie board wouldn't get much of a work out ......

  4. It would have been something in its day, that's for sure.
