Sunday 29 October 2017

Car ferry Sicily back to the mainland

The car ferry from Messina in Sicily back over to Villa S Giovanni, the bottom of Calabria, southern Italy was a 40 min ride, boy were we packed in like Sicilian Sardines.
This ferry was way bigger than the one that bought us here and holds about 100 cars, oh and it was double decker.
Waiting in line, this time not the first so big smiles from me ... its time to move forward to enter the ferry. One little problem, as when we got to the man who was the official barcode reading man our 37euro ticket well what can I say, it had some how disappeared in the waiting time and we could find it anywhere. So still sitting in the que and the now not so nice little barcode man was sending us to the side line which felt like the naughty corner.
Even with me showing him my credit card receipt, he was not going to let us on.
Clearly Criminals, I showed him where we had put the ticket on the dash and it had somehow slipped down into behind the console but still we were not going to win this battle. So sent from this que to join the other que again to buy another ticket. As Sandy gets out at the ticket office all we can see is the ferry filling fast. Then off to her side the ticket had somehow made it’s way through the console and had landed on the floor, so with a quick run back to angry barcode man we were again able to get back in line with a bit of my new driving skills learnt in Sicily (that is don’t look them in the eye and just drive and they will get out of your way!!!)

Great we get to go upper deck! it was so narrow

Waiting on top deck

What goes up must come down

We arrived back into Calabria