Tuesday 17 October 2017

Goodby "MBV"

So where to today, we are on the road again leaving "MBV"
inset "sad face" ... just loved it here.
11am and 25 deg fairly constant temp, so great weather to travel and see things, the real owner of "MBV" said that it had reached very high into the 40's for the month of August so for us now is just perfect even if the pool did bring out a nipple or two!!
Insert "no picture" you will just have to "imagine" and then you will need loads of therapy!!! 

Its about 130km to our next villa, Case Di Latomie near Castelvetrano 15km from the Mediterranean to the south and to the west it is only about 50km to the western most point of Sicily and the town of Marsala. We are now apparently getting close to Arabic influenced food and will be visiting the town of Mazara del Vallo where there is a large population of 3rd generation Arabic, so spices and chilly here we come. 

One last look at "MBV"

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