Tuesday 24 October 2017

BBQ Squid and Octopus Salad

So a couple more seafood dishes to add to the recipe list. The first one is right up my ally being a bit of a BBQ man back home.
BBQ Squid and Octopus Salad were the two dishes we cooked, loving the cooking experiences here in the west. We were invited into a back courtyard of a local family and cooking on the his open fire over hot coals. The cooking seafood smell off the coals and the crisp tentacles are scrum, one should always taste test off the BBQ!

 Simple squid to start was paired with a bitter green the best crusty bread. Olive oil and lemon are the only extras you need.
Oh and a little bit of Sicilian sun.

The courtyard is surrounded on four side by domestic bliss!
The real Sicily so great to be invited in behind the walls.

And of course Nona will be joining us for lunch. its so much fun now that we have Google translate on the IPad as even the oldies are able to communicate with us.
Now lets step it up a little bit and add some new flavours to our octopus. We are in the north western end of Sicily at a little town called Rilievo, its not an ancient town or pretty but a great stop off to explore between Masala and Trapani 

This was a nice refreshing take on the octopus salad with that addition of lightly pickled celery and fennel.
So todays little guy was boiled as per the same way over the last few classes but this time he was cooked with a bit of the bitter greens and celery.
The carrot was a sweeter pickle so with the white wine vinegar and olive oil a real exciting taste served with some celery tops.


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