Tuesday 17 October 2017

You have arrived !!

You have arrived at your destination Gloria 2 says with a chuffed voice!!
Hmmm, so well where is the villa than Gloria 2, is it being built as we are on the outer suburbs of nowhere and well there is nothing here.

Recalculating!!!! and please make a U Turn where possible, well that's easy as you can see there is loads of space to turn around here Gloria 2.
Some days I think that there is someone up in that GPS satellite floating around and is having a ball directing us all over the Sicilian country side like his own little play thing!
You can see them now with a little joy stick, giggling as he goes taking us off the beaten track and beyond.

Just in time for afternoon drinkies and some of the bread we make with a drop of olive oil under the olive tree in front of our room

 Case Di Latomie


  1. The words that come to mind are simple and blue. I have nothing more to say 😋😋😋

  2. Maybe Gloria 2 knew something. 👻

  3. Perhaps Gloria 2 knows you're tourists and is therefore taking you via what she thinks is the most scenic route.

  4. Perhaps Lindsay she is not into Blue.
    Marilyn that is true we are getting to see the country
    Beth yes it is VERY BLUE but with hints of Green
