Friday 13 October 2017

Marina de Modica Southern Sicily

The sands are already starting to creep in and take back the beach paths and bars till next season.
The season ends officially the end of September and some bars are open till end November so all good for us. Its not too hot 26 deg and most of the tourist have left the beaches and beach bars.
So the hunt is on to find those few places to sit and enjoy those views over the  Mediterranean Ocean

We can pick where ever we want to sit and don't have to pay extra to sit in the front row! they are now happy for you to just buy a drink.

All the beach bar shacks are an eclectic mix of colour and this one is all out of packing creates.

You can walk for Km on the tan sands of Marina de Modica southern Sicily
We are pretty much as far south as you can go!

These guys have set up on the far end of the beach and is all built over the rocks.
Loving this little place ... maybe an Aussie lease for their winter and turn it into The Aussie Bar!!! soooo any takers in the venture, doesn't matter if we have no customers, then we could all just sit read a book and admire the views.

Well dream on Pete ... But what a great afternoon we had.

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