Friday 6 October 2017

Calabrialcubo our home for the next 3 nights

Arriving into the mountainous little town of Nocera Terinese was not without some adventure!
Gloria 2 as it seams also has a sick sense of adventure!
We are now a further 100km south of the Harmony Hotel and on a small dirt coastal road and we can see the little town of Nocera Terinese high on a mountain above the main north/south auto strata. But how to get there ... we could go with our gut feeling or keep following Gloria 2, or ask a little man in the farming fields who is tending his goats if he could give us some direction.

Opps sometime I should just keep in the car and stop talking to the non English speaking locals but where is the fun in that!

So after some interesting sign language and pointing to our map it was established that we would follow him.
This old bloke is very old school and has NO English but he was still going to get us to where we were going ... well we think he is!
He tried to see if some of his French speaking African farm workers could speaking any English but to no avail.
When he found out that we were Australian and apparently he has 3 sisters or cousins living in Melbourne who apparently speak better English than he does ... great could we call them? 
We were getting his life history in Italian and I had a feeling he had seen many white faces for a LONG time the he though if he talked louder that we would somehow understand him more. He was just like a teddy bear and he was here to protect us. So we are directed to follow and I though that's great he is going to take us to the next corner and direct us on! No we were his mission and he was taking us to the top of the mountain all we had to do was follow. But 3/4 up the mountain he had been able to call another old bloke friend who apparently spoke a bit more English so we had a meeting on the side of the road to discuss further historical Italian events and maybe a direction or two!  

Great starting to collect more old blokes
the blind leading the blind!
But this old bloke knew the owner of the agritourismo that we were heading to, life saver, its just over there on the end of town.
 We have arrived and it is just so Italian mountainously cute
The view from our room looking toward the little dirt coastal road and the auto strata between.
Calabrialcubo our home for the next 3 nights 
So the sun sets on another great day in Italy with a local Calabria glass of Vendemmia Tardiva

From the Italian description on the bottle this is best serve between 8 to 10 deg
goes with fish of the sea and crustaceans and has flora nose.
So who am I to go off the food recommendations.



  1. That's three great looking old blokes.😘
    Pete your photos just get better and better.📷
    Keep the good work.👏

  2. Hi Peter, I admit to laughing whilst reading this blog. Very enjoyable, keep them coming. Still sounds like an amazing experience.

  3. Hi Again Peter, I just averted a near crisis. My account wouldn't validate, thought for a moment I was heading back to the bad old days of not being able to enter comments. But it righted itself. Stupid Phone. As usual I was blameless.
