Tuesday 17 October 2017

Arancini class at Baglio san Nicola near Naro

Giuseppe our teacher for the day at Baglio san Nicola near Naro whose birthday just happens to be the same date as mine, clearly all the good looking people are born then!! Or is that just the Sicilian people, Bella women and handsome men
So my first question Giuseppe, is it Arancino or Arancini
Arancino is for 1 ... Arancini is more then one
Like antipasto-antipasti, Raviolo or ravioli
So todays Italian word lesson in the bag, blog readers tick!
Arancino is a flavour bomb when done correct or just bolded rice deep fried if not!
I've got to say that in Australia to date ... maybe just me, and I haven't been to the right place yet!! that the later is what I have been served. Maybe I just need to get out more In Aussie ... or maybe come back to  Sicily to experience the real Arancini here again, hmmmm maybe next May!
Cook a creamy risotto, this time it was a risotto with radicchio and pig cheeks using vegetable stock and white wine. Finished with butter and parmesan. Leave a little more al dente than usual as you are recooking it.  
Cool on trays in the fridge. Once cooled form balls and fill with small cubes of mozzarella or tomatoes or Bolognese or peas.

So the better the flavour of the filling the better the Arancino.

Make a very wet batter with just flour and water. Drop the balls in to coat and then drop into preferred coating.
(no sticky fingers) 
Traditionally they were rolled in breadcrumbs but it all depends on the fillings. We experimented with sesame seeds, pistachio nuts and poppy seeds, so just play with the flavour combination.
But for me the winner was the traditional breadcrumbs with today filling.

Great kitchen and with Giovanna as our interpreter a great afternoon cooking

So its off to sit under the walnut tree just outside "MBV" for Arancini grapes and fresh nuts and "maybe" just a little drop of Sicilian vino bianco!!!



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