Monday 23 October 2017

The Salt Pans of Trapani

The Salt Pans of Trapani, from the moment you arrive into this amazing area have your windows down in the car to get overwhelming smell, but in a good way. It was a sensory over load for me, the smell in some of the salt pans is as you would imagine, salty like most normal seaside locations but stronger and you could taste the salt in the humid air.
There is also a bit of a sulphur smell in other locations, sort of sweet!! But the smell I loved the most was in some of the pans where the Flamingos are feeding on the red prawns that live under the salt, it was like a "crustacean bisque", not joking, the smell was just fantastic, I just couldn't stop sucking in huge lungful's of the sweet seafood air. It was like going to a virtual restaurant! smelling the taste but not eating it ... weird and amazing.

Trapani on the horizon and the white dots are the flamingo

Need your sunnies Sands, its so bright and the mounds are just on the side of the roads.

 Such an interesting land scape

A stray Flamingo and a zoom in on the IPad cool! again a first for me a flamingo in the wild.
The whole area is a wildlife protected zone but this guy just droped in to make our day!

And as the sun sets on another amazing day what a view


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