Saturday 14 October 2017

The Birthday Party's Over!

Well the birthdays over! so lets hit the kitchens again. Gola is in the town of Canicatti and is where we are cooking today.

It's an elegant 40 seater in the old part of town and the people from "My Birthday Villa" now know as "MBV" arranged a private lunch class for us. So it's true, its not what you know its who you know! 
We are so very blessed, we just keep meeting amazing cook'y people and getting great foodie contacts.

So lets meet todays team, it's a family run restaurant, quality and tradition, all is made with love and is what they strive for, well they are doing it in grand style.

 Mother and son head the kitchen and Erica, the daughter that will be our interpreter does front of house, and well papa the Sicilian dood tooooo cool for school just drops in for the authentic look and served a meal or two. Soooo disappointed I didn't get a picture of him all dress in white with trousers rolled up, no socks and green suede shoes, with a silk scarf and a pointy moustache.
Could have be straight for a 1950,s film set.
He was so, Quintessential Sicilian!!!

 Just so elegant

Grand Papa from 1945 and the Moroccan dishes on the table show that the Arabic twist and influences are here also

Loving the décor, antique meet simplistic modern

Scene set! let's see what we had for lunch and  then I will go through how we did some of the dishes in a later blog.

Antipasto Grape and rosemary facarta, Panella,  Egg tart with grapes
Stuffed grape with cream cheese and almonds and Cuscus

Eggplant and celery Caponata in a puff dough

Picture speaks for itself ( Sandy not impressed )
She fells they should be left in the sea Sorry Sands, it's a Sicilian traditional dish and tastes great, but we wont tell her that now will we !!

Cavatelli Pasta with Pork, grapes and almonds

Spaghetti, rocket and almond pesto with octopus

Plating was all small serves on elegant dishes

Decadent desert to finish
I will have to get back to you with the recipes and tricky bits later as tomorrow its Sunday and a bread making day at Arrigento near the Valley of The Temples
1 hour down the road from "MBV" and as it starts early I need some shut eye.
Bona Notte



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