Saturday 28 October 2017

Veal and Sage Polpettine with Marsala

So after our Marsala wine tasting at Floria we needed to get a recipe that incorporated Marsala into some Sicilian food so our adopted family came to the rescue.
This is again very typical in Sicily as is in most of Italy where the family all sits around the table chatting and making dinner and today it was making the meatballs.

700 gms Veal mince
1/4 Cup day old Bread Crumbs just Moistened with Milk
3 Tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
8 Fresh Sage Leaves
3 Tablespoons of Olive oil
Salt & Pepper
3/4 Cup Dry Marsala Wine
1/2 Cup Chicken stock
1/3 Cup Cream 
Mix together the veal, bread crumbs, cheese, salt and pepper. Don’t overdo the salt as the cheese is salty. Finely chop half the sage leaves and add them.
NOW here is the secret…..Form into balls about the size of walnuts, and roll baby roll, Paino Paino ... now keep rolling until the heat of your hands form a skin on the balls this will keep the balls whole during the cooking process.  Fry the balls gently until golden in the oil.

Add the Masala wine and stock, cook down until it is reduced by half. Chop the remaining sage leaves and add these to the sauce. Season to taste and add the cream ... (your Italian word for today panna)
 Cook for just a few minutes until the meatballs are cooked through and the sauce has thickened.

Serve the meatballs with the sauce spooned over the top, and garnish with fresh sage to garnish.

Great home kitchen

Elen their 21 year old daughter who had no verbal skills but had a great sence of smell just loved Sandy and I and made our time with the family even more special.
She love to touch and smell you and loved my hat and aftershave so when we left I gave here a little Koala Bear that I had sprayed with my aftershave.

The family room has big glass windows that view out over the vege gardens.

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