Monday 23 October 2017

5th dish Cannoli

So our 5th dish is desert and as I've said in the past that I'm not really a sweet's sort of boy!
Unless its my Mum's Apple Rolly Polly with custard
And there is Sandy great little Pecan Nut Tarts
Both of which will be in Sandy's 1st cook book
Coming out for Christmas
Soooo I do on occasion enjoy a little desert.
We have been in Sicily for about 2 weeks now and on the hit list was to have Cannoli. To date we have not seen one anywhere.
So when the chef said it was on today cooking class you can insert 2 smiley faces.


1 kg semolina

100 gms sugar
100 gms lard
White wine "QB"
Make into pasta dough and set aside in plastic for ½ hr
The Filling is 1 kg of ricotta and 200 gms sugar. In the old days this was 600 gms sugar they loved it super sweet!!!!
½ tea vanilla powder… I've never seen dried vanilla
and 80 gms dark biter chocolate grated. Whisk together till smooth and set aside.

Roll out pasta and cut in squares and fold over tubes leaving lots of room for growth.

Fry in Sunflower oil till cooked this varies between 3-6 mins. Remove metal bar and set aside to drain while cooking the rest.
When cool fill with ricotta and sprinkle with pistachio nuts.
Happy Nona and yumo, the ricotta with the chocolate and not too sweet happy faces and tummies all round 


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