Tuesday 24 October 2017

The Sad Side of Sicily

Ouch ... I know that I always show you the pretty and the beautiful, but we have seen some very sad sights on our travels throughout Sicily. We are hearing that it is "political", and maybe something to do with the Mafia, so not getting into that conversation anymore than to say "what a sad shame". These are "good" shots, on some of the 2 way side highways the rubbish is some much that the road has been turned into a one way and you feel like you are driving through a rubbish tip. No picture of the worst area you will just have to imagine as my I Pad was in the back of the car when we pass. 


Even some the beaches are disgusting, but this I think is not political ... it is just filthy people that leave rubbish behind.

So today we made the beach look better ... add one Bella Sandy
and some morning Sicilian treats

Puff and short pastry, plain, chocolate and pistachio.

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