Thursday 10 May 2018

Anchovy Stuffed Zucchini Flowers

For me the dish of the day ...
Anchovy Stuffed Zucchini Flowers over a green sea puree.
I just want to eat it because of the name!

   Before we start ... the dirty deed, cute little critters, so fresh not a whisper of a smell, just the salty smell of the sea.

 Blood, guts and bone removal, none of this canned or bottled stuff, this is a cooking class and yes it was up to me to do the dirty job.
As I have a bone phobia and being a Libra I thought well if you want it done properly do it yourself and as Sandy would say I'm a pedantic pain in the ass!!!
Yep that sounds like me.  
 And here's a picture
Hey if I had to do it you have to see it!!!

Pure Perfection ... Well Hello ...  I did it ...  not a bone to be seen and in an anchovy that's really saying something!

Now back to the green sea purée.
The usual start ... oil and a crushed garlic clove

Summer zucchini, the light green ones which are so sweet.

Some vege stock, the 15min one ... done with onion, carrot and celery.
Cook and set in fridge for such said dishes.



Get some of these and de-sex them as the boy bits are bitter ... go figure!!

 Stuff with anchovies and some mozzarella or prosciutto.

dip in beer batter and fry
