Monday 21 May 2018

Stuffed and Fried

Sorry readers I'm jumping from place to place ... cooking to cooking as in the west of the Sardinian the week before we arrived there were several huge storms and the internet, power and gas connections are all affected. So some of our planed classes have been altered and or changed locations and content.
On one of these days we did a pickles class in a farm kitchen.
These little tasty antipasti were simple hollowed out the baby capsicum boiled in a vinegar/water solution filled them with a cooked tuna and parsley mix and cap with a black olive.
Yummo here on the west coast we are seeing a lot of seafood and tuna being used in so many ways.

 Pickled Mushrooms

Pastella  for frying vegetables (zucchini, artichokes, eggplants, zucchini flowers or mussels, shrimps and everything you like) At first put in a bowl 1 egg, a spoon of oil, a little bit of sugar, brewer's yeast and sparkling water or beer (gas gives air to the batter). Add flour "0", mix "QB" for a thick batter thicker than tempura and wait for 1 hour at least before using. Dip in the veg and fry in hot sunflower oil 180 till golden.
Sprinkle with salt 


Note that here in the west of Sardinia, unlike our Roman chef we left the zucchini in its natural way (the way god had meant it to be ) so no de-sexing and it was not bitter at all.
These were also stuffed with cheese before frying yum yum.


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