Monday 21 May 2018

Breakfast Northern Sardinian Style ...

Usually breakfast in Italy as well as here in Sardinia are sweet sweet sweet BUT it is unusual to find a savoury breakfast.
Not every class, lesson or experience in Sardinia has been planned and the number of times we just appear in a kitchen talking with the cooks and getting little pointers has been fun and spontaneous.
Not been thrown our of a kitchen yet!!
As we have now done so many Italian cooking things anything new immediately sparks our interest ... so often we get to speak with the chefs and learn loads more from them.

Breakfast at our accommodation in Alghero was a perfect example of this.

The 2 lovely ladies who looked after us each day were thrilled we were so interested in what they were doing and it sparked them on to do something new each day so that could share their knowledge.


The first was a pie but not as we know it, Tramezzino. It was uncooked and layered using day old bread with Tuna, eggs, creamed cheese. It was a real surprise and delight to eat.

The next day they did a beautiful bean and tuna dish which really makes our baked beans look pathetic. Love Love Love beans and anything with beans.

This is certain to be a new addition to The Retreat's repertoire.
I will put a word into The Retreat's Head Cook and request
Please Please Please Sand's.
and for me served with peas I was a happy boy ... beans and peas.