Monday 21 May 2018

Yellow is the Current Colour of Sardinia

 So I went and got a spray can and did a quick spray-jobbie on the old rust bucket!!!

Not a bad spray job from a distance

Here it is blending into the Architecture

and now it is so much easier to find in the car parks

 and with my new Moroccan shirt we are both just blending into the surrounding and looking sooooo Sardinian!!!


  1. Love the spray job Pete. It changed the shape of the car. Very impressive. Love the shirt.👍

  2. I'm becoming quite good with pasta dough so it was used to alter the shape A LOT... 4 circles ... thought you would be impressed.
    At first they offer us a upgrade to a sporty flip top one with the 4 circles but it was white ... what a boring colour that would have been! and we would have needed a trailer for our bags...

  3. Let me be the first to book you to do a spray job on my car. Shirt ( words escape me at the moment but they will come )

    1. My car talents and only good in Sardinia where I have mastered my art. Re the shirt be nice I purchased this in Morocco of a VERY legitimate seller and for the price I paid I think I'm sending his children to school for the rest of their lives ssooooooo no good with the bartering thing!!!
