Thursday 10 May 2018

Gnocchi Quintessentially Italian

A spectacular dish when done right and today at Andréa's cooking class it was just that .... spectacular.

 It's also one Italian dish that can be done so badly in a restaurant and here in Italy we have had several very heavy and stodgy examples.
Many Italian's that we have cooked with over the year in our travels have prepared and taught us a range of good to fairly good dishes.
Andréa definitely was the best of the best.
Gnocchi in the making, old potato's are the best, the ones with some eyes appearing so that they are naturally starting to dry out.
Red skin potatoes are the best. Boil in their skins to stop the water penetration or bake in the oven if you have more time. 

I'll be getting out the old meat grinder when we get home.
It worked so well, a very even grind, not over whipped as it is in the food processor or to lumpy with the old hand potato masher and way easier than the potato ricer the we currently have.

Should form a ball once minced

Mix 1/4 flour to 3/4 minced potato with a little salt, kneed to activate the gluten. 

The logs that are rolled need to form up a bit like a dry dough but not to fall apart. 

Simple food done well what else can I say.


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