Monday 7 May 2018

French or Italian

Step 1

Grab a can of Italian Butter, hmmm butter in a can!
Nice looking can, very photogenic so great for the blog!

Step 2


Step 3
Blind bake or get blind while you bake!

Step 4
OK we get the gist ... you started drinking too soon back from the supermarketo!!


A bit for the cooks, a sneaky 2 corners trimmed... taste test for Pete

Cream and eggs

 Find an Italian dark corner, get Daniele to turn up the 60' - 70's music vibe, serve on red plates with retro overhead lighting and discuss if it's French or Italian and if real men eat it!!




  1. You missed a step. Where was the blindfold for the blind bake ? lol

  2. We "MAY" ... have already been a bit visually impaired so didn't need a blindfold
