Tuesday 15 May 2018

It's All About The Wine

 As a boy my mum always said if you can't fine something nice to say then don't say anything at all.
Hmmm, hasn't always worked for me, I have been know, maybe once or twice!, to voice an option that was not always glowing !!
So try to be nice Pete .... tonight's dinner ... hmmmm what can I say, we have had the best food in this restaurant so far in Sardinia.
There, something nice and as we only just arrived 2 hours ago that's probably still not very complementary .... but I've tried!   
So ... The wine was absolutely amazing, a blend of 4 local Sardinian grapes, the flavours help dilute the taste of the undercooked eggplant, the supermarketo ravioli and the over cooked burnt local suckling pig and just helped it all blend into the distance as we looked over the charming views of the internally illuminated pool.
No food pictures needed.

 Bonna nottie