Sunday 6 May 2018

Touchdown back in our beloved Italy.

It's was funny flying into Roma, I said to Sandy it fells like coming home! After all our travels we are always drawn back to Italy.
When you fly back into Australian you have a sense of pride, ownership, nurturing and a connection to ones roots.
When we fly into Italy it's the people and the food just keep bring us back.
So on our first day we have spring on our side so its the black
Tartufi season in Tuscany.
I could smell the shop from a 100m away and in a trance just had to followed my nose, the intonating aromas welcoming me back to Italy.
Much easier than the white tartufi hunting from seasons past in La Mache and with Doriano.



  1. Ah the aroma !!! Goodness 5 days without a blog I thought you'd gone down in the Bermuda triangle. Have an amazing time in Italy.

    1. Sorry been chilling out and giving you a reprieve from my blogs

  2. Tartufi how exciting for you ( not so for Sandy) . Can’t wait to hear about your escapades in Italy as I’ve missed you the last few days. Xxx

    1. Nice to know I've been missed, as I said to Suzie I've given my readers some reprieves from all the blogs but back now xx

  3. I've not spent much time in Italy but I know how much you both love it. Have an amazing time.
