Tuesday 22 May 2018

Last day in Sardinia

 A great day driving the west coast of Sardinia. A bit of time to enjoy the sights, I love just getting in the car and seeing where we end up.
The beaches are so quite here, it's still a month off high season so a great time to travel, weather great and the places still nice and quiet.


 Just so steep

 Little do it upper at the bottom of the cliff, if only I was 30 years younger and had 10 million $ !!!

The 10 mill would be needed just for access.
But look at the view,
on a clearer day the water would be Meditterrian Teal

Finish the drive in a dark cute little beach shack to quietly sit looking the beach



  1. sensational certainly creating some great memories

  2. Hasn't that shirt been banned yet?

    1. Now there Lindsay ... please refer to my last comments about my charitable works in Morocco.
      and you know me I like to blend in!!!!!
