Tuesday 15 May 2018

Our Last Roman Supper,

well ... until we come back next time that is!

 Cutlery straight for the 1930's, another little thing I like as well as good glassware is nice solid cutlery!

As mentioned above "Handcrafting all our pasta in the laboratory"
The pasta straight from the laboratory! was fantastic,
for me egg fettuccine the bolognaise sauce.
 Lorna had the dish of the night being the ricotta ravioli with a sage butter sauce ... Huge menu envy once this hit the table and we all had a try.
The egg pasta was so delicate and fine ... melt in your mouth good.

 Sandy's favourite tortellini in brodo

The girls had the Italian version of Duck with Orange,
so Italian, so sweet, made with a orange marmalade sauce ...
2 very happy girls.

For me I was hanging for some good old fashioned Italian boiled meats on a plate. Not pretty to look at but it tasted amazing.
If you are not into unusual cuts of meats turn away now!!!!
Top was a Pigs Cheek ... just so gelatinous!
Heading clockwise Beef Tongue like eating the best pâté.
Old Chook, once it has laid several thousand eggs! the flavour as I remember from my childhood visiting relatives on the farm.
Lastly Boiled Beef over several hours, again so soft.

Not a dish for the veg'o and for me it will have to be veg'o diet for the next few days!!!


Now to finish lets try to find a nice picture so you don't have
Heart Burn 

from my last disturbing food image.

Here's a nice Cool Italian Fountain.
It's that cool you can see his nipples and nothing else!



  1. Well done Pete - I have to say your main can stay safety with you. Wonderful looking pasta though. Also loved the cutlery - a true reflection of dedicated restaurateurs.

  2. is that where they get that saying 'see nipples and die'

  3. Lorna’s pasts looks amazing and Peter I wouldn’t mind trying yours but I think I would enjoy the duck more.

  4. The food looks really great.
