Wednesday 30 May 2018

The Colours of Barano

Love the colour and the simple architecture of this little fishing island which is a 45min Vaporetto ride from Venice.

Also known for its beautiful and creative painted Venetian masks and lace. The three marks in our front tower room came from here several trips ago.  It’s a small island with loads of little water canals, way quieter than the main Venice island. If I was to pick a little retirement village this would have go on the list, but I’d have to learn way more Italian to survive! So as that won’t be happening it’s not an option in this life time.



Here's the girls chatting up the Tour de bike blokes!


  1. Wow what an amazing island! Can't you just learn to wave your arms around a bit more like Lindsay does?

  2. It certainly looks incredible, I see why you love it.

  3. Love Burano such a quant island
