Wednesday 16 May 2018

Lets Cook Fregola

Tonight we cook in our beautifully blog-able Agritourismo in the small village of Baratile San Pietro 250km north from where we landed in Cagliari.

Start with a vege stock
and some vege for the sauce of the dish

 Local pork sausage for extra flavour

 and artichoke, frozen from last years crop

 Leo and Calla have several tables to do tonight in the restaurant and we are here to help.

 Sandy grab a frypan, no not that one, tonight's midweek and that huge sucker is used on the weekends.
There that's better, just a small dish so we can make our dinner before the other paying guests turn-up.

Blend the veg

oil the pan

 cooking, waiting, stirring all the time adding several lades of vege stock to reduce, add and develop the flavour.

Some pepperoncino to fire up the dish

 More stock, it's been about 20min so far.

 Now in with the tomato passarta

Stir and stir some more waiting, waiting.

in with the artichoke and the sausage

oh and did I say stir!!

add more vege stock

But wait a new ingredient Fregola Dried semolina pasta rolled with pigs fat to form balls than fried to give a toasted flavour.

 Sort of like a risotto, but only in the cooking style and absorption method. Cook out until the stock has been absorbed and the
pasta al dente.

Wow the end result was well worth the 45min cooking time, a great winter dish and yes the toasty flavour of the pasta come through along with the flavours from the sausage, a winner ... big time.