Tuesday 15 May 2018


After last nights amazing wine! we wake to a beautiful day in the far south of Sardinia. We flew into Calgari the southern capital, picked up a car and headed 70km further south.
It was a late afternoon flight and we had not booked any accommodation as we weren't sure if the plane would run to time.
Great location and have I mentioned the great wine!! now the natural beauties the white sand, the endless board walks, well until you get to the beach that is.   

The lakes that are the breeding grounds for the flamingo, as my dad would say "if you look as far as you can see ... and look just a little bit further" you can see the flamingo's!

 So we walked and walked and with a zoom lens they are still small, but as they lifted their wings you got to see some glimpses of pink and we were tickled pink! ourselves ... one of those "you have to be there" sort of moments.

 So here are some up close!

Some on a sign board telling you they are around, anyway we are here for 9 days maybe we will get lucky and see some closers real ones!


  1. Well! There you go.... flamingos it’s not the bird you expect in Italy.

    1. We saw them in Trapani in Sicily on the salt pans and here too are salt pans, it so special if even at a distance.

    2. Yes, now it’s coming back to me. Still fabulous!
