Monday 21 May 2018

Tiliccas and Pabassine

Calling all biscuits lovers me included 

Tiliccas are a traditional dessert that originates from the north-west region of Sardinia. A dessert made from very thin sheets of pastry, like Pabassinos, they are also prepared in celebration for All Saints Day November 1. The dough of the tiliccas remains the same, but the fillings can differ depending on the area of the island. These include sapa (an Italian syrup made from cooked down grapes), cocoa, raisins and almonds.

The generously sized Papassinos are a Sardinian traditional biscuit, Variations differ according to the regions of the island, but common ingredients include almonds, walnuts and raisins. Toppings of Pabassinos can also range from plain to covered with icing sugar, meaning you’ll have to try every variety to see which one you like best... well I'll give it me best shot then.

Tasted so much better with a view of Buggerru!

Our hotel down the bottom near the beach.


  1. Great view and wonderful that your Sardinian rust bucket made it up the hill😎

  2. It was a long hard push but so worth it!
