Friday 11 May 2018

Saint Peters Basilica in the Vatican City

It's 6.30am .... Really, do people actually get up this early !!!!
So we have already walked up the hill from our apartment and pick out the carriage for the royal transportation. then made our way through the special body screening that even a princess and her PA's require to get into such places like Saint Peters.

 Look no people ... amazing.

The clock strikes 7am and the huge doors are opened.
 Looking towards the main alter.

Arrived at the main alter

One of the many side monuments, this was of Alexander the 8th.
The black square marble bases so structural and strong looking with the tan marble carved to representing a soft fabric covering.
Amazing to think something so beautiful, so old and just so well done in a time of hand tools only.

 Marble floors stunning

 Saint Peter
We spent many hours just wondering and soaking in the whole spiritual ambiance.



  1. Amazing photography Pete you've made those columns bend.

    1. Magic ... the things I can do! with out even knowing it
