Wednesday 2 May 2018

Moroccan Cooking Classes @ The Retreat

The days are fast coming to an end for us in exotic Morocco but for me in "blogland" I'm still a few days behind so a few recipes will have to be blogged later. Yesterday we had another day here in the kitchen of Raid Jona fin tuning our bread skills and today was our last cooking class doing a Chicken & Preserved Lemon Tagine.
What amazing experience's we have both had cooking in Morocco the people that have opened their homes and kitchen to us have be fabulous. this is where we have learned and honed most of our skills so looking forward to Moroccan cooking classes back at The Retreat when we get home.  
This afternoon after school we wandered the markets for a new waiters uniform for ME luck me.
God! look at those bags, has been a busy month.
Always fun as once you are in the store of a cousin and a cousins, cousin will have one shirt that is right for you and they just keep coming until the deal is done. They tried to convince Sandy to try on some cloths and their winning line was they have clothes for may a Samantha Fox's, and if ever you have clothed shopped with Sandy you know that that is not a winning line. So then it was jewels, watches, lights, vases, spices well anything really....
We got out with my one shirt and "no magic flying Arabic carpets", which they told us that they could personally fly them to Australia, well for that price they probably could.

 Saw this dress for you Ruth thought you would love it, just need a little more bedazzling.

1 comment:

  1. Cant believe you got out of there Sandy without at least a wee pair of shoes.
