Friday 11 May 2018

Aunty Lorna our Royal Visitor

The crowds are growing and going crazy, all trying to get a glimpse of our Aunty Lorna as she walked the streets of Roma. 

Sometimes she even took the time to fraternize with some of the street artists.

At The Pantheon the crowds parted briefly for the paparazzi to do some official photos.

 Looking up, a view that one never tires of.

Outside The Pantheon we were able to miss the crowds, they clearly were not given the brief about our Royal Visitor.


She had time to take in some pasta with live music while sitting looking over The Pantheon.

A cheeky little Prosecco to help take the edge of the jet lag
and of course a glass for the official guide and paparazzi.

Once at the Spanish steeps their excitement grew to beautiful floral tributes in the fountains for our 
Aunty Lorna.
Then, again, they all gave us some space for more official photos.

Cool shot ... a picture of the paparazzi at work with Aunty Lorna several steps up. 

 Switching rolls, the guide, now the photographer ... hmmm think she may have been into photographs in a previous life.
Clearly better composition.

The streets lined with flora baskets ready for the Royal Visit.

 They even planted Aunty Lorna's favourite flowers.

Over the River Tevere heading to Saint Peter's

Suns now out for the Royal Visit.

The crowds were just heaving at Saint Peters, it was going to be a 2 hour wait in the sun even for our Aunty Lorna to get an ordinance with the Pope, well at least get in the front door. 

So my people, chatted with their people and it was agreed that it would be better to bring our royal visitor back a 7am tomorrow to avoid the waiting crowds.
Now again being treated like royalty Aunty Lorna her guide and official photographer were given front row seating in a private little restaurant just off the main Via near the Trevi Fountain.
The strings that this little old paparazzi has had to pull!!!

There we dined on pumpkin risotto 

and octopus

While drinking some of Italy's best Amarone

Finally, before we put our little princess into bed a quick visit to the Trevi Fountain under the cover of darkness and away from the day crowds.




  1. Lots of fun had by all👍

  2. You certainly have a right royal way with words. Keep enjoying.

    1. I do like to embellish just a little!
      Got to keep my readers interested

  3. Oh this day sound just wonderful, full of adventures for both the commoners and royalty alike.

    1. Us commoners are so lucky to have royalty to look after!xx
