Friday 18 May 2018

It's our last day up north

and tomorrow we head south to Buggarru.
A beer by the walls of the old city looking over the port.
German drop, the Sardinian restaurant wont serve mainland Italian beer go figure!, the first real hot day in Sardinia and all I wanted was a cold beer.
So German it was and it was real good, had its own ice bucket and served in a wine glass.
Got to love the Sardinian's. 

Shared a little pasta dish, now need to refinance the house!! 

 Well it did come with help to plate it for us!!!

   Went for a wonder on the seafront to a funky little bar to end our day with a couple of cocktails and some good music.

Me and my favourite drop of P-C, metal container kept it cool for ages.

 Loved the whole arty vibe

Finally down to the white sand and sea sponges, so cool.


  1. Yes indeedy, you don't have to water that one very drought resistant. lol

  2. I'm glad you had the German beer and wine. I've been meaning to say that I thought you were going a little light on the alcohol consumption. Have i taught you nothing?

    1. Light ... nooooo I just haven't been posting all the bottles and yes I have leant well from you Cheers Bill
