Saturday, 9 September 2017

Crostata with Ricotta

After some chill out time in Zona Relaxa its time again to hit the kitchen.
This afternoon we are heading back down the hill to grand Mar and Par,s place to do some home style Italian cooking and firstly making Crostata. Teresa and Gusto are the parents and grand parents of the Prato degli Angeli bunch.
Gusto 5 foot 10  and Teresa all of 3 foot 10 are true old world Italians where no English is spoken so with a bit of help from the grand daughter's we are set for a great afternoon with loads to learn.
Sandy to date after our last 2 trips to Italy has used at The Retreat a great recipe for Crostata which came from La Marche which is much thinner and dryer than what we learned today.
Here in Emilia Romagna the recipe is for a thicker and moister Crostata so they use ricotta.
Both are great but todays is my favourite.
Teresa standing and Sandy sitting! 

500 g di farina
250 g di zucchero
4 uova
100 g burro
1 bustina di lievito per dolci
500 g di ricotta
2 tuorli d'uovo
liquore e zucchero (1/4 espresso cup of what tastes fantastic like a almond liquor 21% ... well some one had to do the taste test)

1 - uniri farina, zucchero, uovo e lievito, impastere il tutto e lasciare riposare l'imparto per circa mezz'ora.
2 - Prendere una teglia coperta con la carta da forno e stendervi l'impasto tenendone un po' da parte.
3 - Uniri la ricotta ai tuorli, aggiungere liquore e zucchero a piacere e montare il tutto.
4 - Stendere la ricotta sull'impasto.
5- Aggiungere uno strato di marmellata su quello di ricotta.
6 - Prendere i'mpasto messo da parte in precedenza e decorare la Crostata.
7 - Infornare a 180deg c per circa mess'ora

Well you didn't thing I was going to make it any easier for you than the recipe we were given...


  1. Shit head
    Ok Pete a quick translation please.

  2. Language Lindsay .... for a translation you may just have to get Sandy's 2nd cook book!!!!!

  3. So a quick lesson in Italian ( probably taking 2 years to really get the hang of it) and we'll have the recipe. No problem 😀
