Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Mazzorbo a Little Island off Burano

Having been to Venice several times "because we just love it" that now we are doing some of the smaller islands that are not full of tourist.
 The bell-tower of the 14th century keeps the most ancient bell of the lagoon from the 1318

 Lit a couple of candles for my mum for a speedy recovery

Then the rain began, it poured ... really poured! so found a spot for lunch to wait it out
Loving the seafood so started with the scallops (but not as good as the one's in our class in Venice)
Fussy poop! Pete, but once you have tasted the best!
The cabernet, what a surprise a big bold drop locally from just above Venice
Of course had to have the local specialty, Spaghetti Vongole straight form the lagoon, it was fab.


  1. Good way to wait out a storm

  2. Good vino and food always the best solution to a rainy day XX
