Sunday 28 July 2013

All Aboard The Euro Star Bound For London

Woo Whoo we board the Euro Star for London and staying for 11 nights but not before a bit of duty free shopping. Seamed funny somehow doing duty free shopping in a train station ! but as we are heading overseas well " underseas " 
" freekie " but only for 25 mins underwater, ouch ... so get out that spray big fella !!

So its a beautiful bottle of French champagne, some French smelly Brie and as it is my last chance for some Foie Gras so some of that, now that should do it. 
It will be a celebration party at our friends Gail and James tonight as they are in London renovating their house ready for US ... well the new tenants more like but we will get to enjoy it first .... 

We are also in London to do a couple of cooking classes at one of Jamie Oliver's cooking schools, not that we will be cooking with Jamie, can't win them all. After-all we have cooked with some of the worlds best chefs and cooked in some of the worlds best restaurants over the last few months in Italy so can't complain about that.

We are also off to Somerset House exhibition hall in London city to see the food expo and exhibition of El Bulla a Spanish restaurant and its chef that have won world wide attention for being no.1 in the world for 10 years straight.
He was the good father of molecular gastronomy and has share the secrets with the world, Sandy is really looking forward to that one.

Then 2 days at Hampton Court garden show soooo looking forward to that.
Couple of days at Design X for shop fittings and office displays better do some Froog work can't all be about The Retreat.
Also off to a funky little place in Richmond called The Rock & Rose Restaurant.  Check out www.rockandrose 
It is supposed to be a spinout in design and food so can't wait + we are meeting there with some other friends Tamara and Dave to meet their new 1st son Dexter who is 4 months old, and you all know how much we love children .
Hmmm " Baked or Fried " opps did I say that out loud ... BUT he was oh sooooo cute and as we both had bald heads he could relate to me and smiled and smiled and he just loved me ( but what's not to love )
We also have a booking at The Waterside Restaurant about 45 mins by train out of London. One of the chefs in Italy pulled some strings and got us a table apparently hard to get into as it is booked several months in advance so thank you Stefano from Massimo restaurant in the Po River for that...

Want to also take in some live shows at the West-end,  not sure whats on but we will catch a bus into the city from Clapham Junction to Leister Square and it should only take 30 min or so and go to the last minute box office and hopefully get some 1/2 price tickets.
So all in all a busy schedular, truly we will be looking forward to a holiday when we get home ...

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