Sunday 14 July 2013

Castello di Oviglio

Tonight we pulled into Castello di Oviglio worth  a check out on line.
It is about 50 km south east of Torino and just for the night as our last week in Italy is at a cooking school 20 km away and it starts tomorrow Monday. 
I know Sandy is really looking forward to this final cooking week as it is a couple of sister that are running a B & B coupled with a organic veggie garden and traditional home italian cooking in a restaurant and on a farm. The pictures on the net are amazing it looks really interesting so it will be a good final fling with Italian food cooking in a rustic farm experience.

We entered the castle under a large brick arch through automatic iron gates, we didn't have a booking so we were just winging it as we weren't sure were we wanted to spend our last night before we head to the sisters at the farm.
We are in luck they had a wedding last night and have a room but won't be able to do dinner tonight. Cool that's fine we will grab a Pizza tonight and eat it in your garden. 
The whole medieval castle had a make over 150 years ago as the owners at that time wanted it to be more like a grand country house so windows were enlarged and the castle was transformed but from a distance it sits proud with turret steeples and towers. It was then resold to the current owner about 10 years ago in the height our the economy, ouch as prices have plummeted and the average spend dropped it has been a hard road for the current owners.
Yet another of the Italian stories of hard time around the GFC.
But these owners a family of 2 generations are working hard to make a go of it as they don't have a option as it is not worth what they owe and the bank doesn't really want it back so lucky or unlucky that's a hard call to say, but they were hospitable hosts.
Our room,  well more like a small ball room was all fitted out with a new bathroom and was like a plush hotel and was only 120€ B & B about $150.
So not a bad price for the facility and after the Swiss prices it nice to be back to the realistic Italian country house prices.

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